Pink Kala


As an art consultant, Pink Kala works with both individual art collectors and businesses to curate collections and guide customers on what type of artwork would suit them best.

Get Professional Help to Choose the Right Piece of Art

Are you a buyer who wants to purchase a specific piece or collection of art? Well, art consultants have a lot of knowledge about different artists, styles and the art market to help you in this regard. We provide apprising artwork, organize exhibitions and advise on purchases to both individual clients and businesses.

Making Recommendations on Artwork That Will Look Good

Since our art consultants have knowledge about different types of artwork for home and office spaces, they can make recommendations on what may look good at a certain place. When it comes to remodelling a space, our consultant will help you coordinate colours and styles for the new space according to your taste in art. Did you know some people appoint art consultants as a part of their decorating scheme? So, whether you want to convey the right message to your clients or just want to pick out some pieces to harmonise your home décor, reach us to amplify the look of your space.

Sourcing out Different Galleries or Artists to Find the Right Pieces of Artwork

While working on commission or through flat fees (may vary according to project requirement), we source artwork from artists and galleries. We understand what buyers want in terms of style and colour schemes, and where the art pieces must be shown up once sold. 

Working with Interior Designers and Other Contractors

To bring out the cohesive look of a space, we work with interior designers and contractors sometimes. In many cases, they help to pick out specific pieces of artwork that will be used in a project.

Negotiating on Prices on Behalf of the Clients

As an art consultant, Pink Kala works as a middleman for the artists and art collectors, which helps to create a beneficial relationship. It is essential to make sure that both parties can get the best value from the deals that happened. So, if you need art for your home or business and don’t know where to start, an art consultant can help you out. Right from finding the exact pieces of art to negotiating prices, there is a range of services to offer.

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